“Bighorn Park – It’s time to act. Please Share” — says Alberta riders

Here is a recently posted commentary on the issue and an appeal to participate in the vote on the plan.

Bighorn Country in Alberta.

Bighorn Country in Alberta. — Photo courtesy Albertawilderness.ca

Several Alberta-based motorsports dealerships, riding groups and organizations are expressing concern over the current Bighorn Public Land Use Area proposal and its potential riding exclusions.

Here is a recently posted commentary on the issue and an appeal to participate in the vote on the plan:

The Alberta Government has proposed Y2Y’s (Yellowstone to Yukon) plan to convert our entire Bighorn PLUZ (over 60% of our current Public Land Use Area) including west North Saskatchewan River into parks, plus a massive new PLUZ that extends to Drayton/Rocky.

This is all being done outside of the NSRP (North Saskatchewan Regional Plan), with all input, public feedback and formal process disregarded up to date.

Formal “Provincial Recreation Areas” are proposed in some areas, which would define and regulate how and where you camp and enjoy these areas. It is illegal to ride on non-designated trails in a PLUZ, and thousands of trails in the new PLUZ have never been designated. And the users have no say on what does or doesn’t get designated. Fact.

As proven by this government's actions in every area including Castle, Livingston, Porcupine Hills (represented >19% of our Public Lands) and many areas across our province – this government cannot be trusted. Albertans have been outright lied to, mislead, attacked, marginalised and completely disregarded.

In Castle – 800 km of trails has been reduced to 30 (a two-hour ride). In Livingston/Porcupines – 1100 km to 340 km. In Tent Mountain area 80 km to 7.5 km (15-minute ride). Then you have seen all the trail closures being done everywhere else in Alberta. Not one recommendation to provide meaningful access, user enjoyment, connectivity has been utilized. Signs and these actions are the proof. In total, over 70% of our trails and access to recreation has been closed. Fact.

While public land use areas are good management tools, it is proven this government does not have good management. The current framework and planning for our public lands to date completely ignores all input from the recreational associations and users groups, to utilize and implement input from those that do not. Your access and recreation is decided on by “biologists” and “academics” to decide how, where and what you will do. They know best.

Those that use the trails (whether for access to - or for recreation) and represent users have had zero position in what trails get designated, what process they do, and absolutely no value is placed on your recreation or access in the current planning process – whether socially, economically or otherwise.

The framework of how this government makes decisions, who it works with – must be fixed before any more land use changes. Period. Based on this government's actions to date, supporting this survey in any way – is supporting your removal and current enjoyment from the landscape. Guaranteed.

You teach those how you want to be treated, and opposing the creation of these massive land use changes is the start. If you support any questions on this survey – you are supporting this Y2Y/NDP plan to lock up our lands.

Unlike Castle and every other decision that was done first then you only had input after – this is not done yet. Take the survey. This is a vote. You will make a difference.

Mark the answers with Do Not Support, Very Dissatisfied – and make sure you put “I do not support this park or changes” etc. in the comment boxes.

Survey link here: https://albertaparks.ca/BighornCountry

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