The best rides are usually concocted using a recipe of good friends, varied trails, sunny weather and disparate wildlife—or lack thereof.
“My best day riding was in July last year,” said Erica Dodd, member of the Whitecourt ATV Club. “My boyfriend, our friends and my dog were all cruising down the trail and I could remember thinking just how perfect the day was and that there was no where else I would rather be.
“The weather could not have been better. The sun shining through the trees was warm on my skin but not hot, there was a light breeze and I could smell pine and moss. My dog chased a deer, we saw a few rabbits—and there were no bugs. It was perfect.”
Dodd’s destination of choice is the Windfall Trail, located about 42 kilometres (26 miles) west of Whitecourt, Alberta. Windfall Trail is dry, sandy, bushy and easy to moderate to navigate.
“It’s a great trail for a day ride,” Dodd said. “There are a few challenging spots but it’s great to learn on.”

Erica Dodd and the Whitecourt ATV Club have built several bridges along the Windfall Trail. — Photo courtesy Erica Dodd
The Whitecourt ATV Club has installed a series of bridges in the trail network, providing easier access to the entire area.
“The bridges we built are holding up and looking great,” Dodd said. “Along the ride, we talked about how happy we were with all our hard work making that trail, the work that still needs to be done and how awesome the rest of the trail looks.”
Looking back, Dodd remembers watching her dog darting in and out of the trail while keeping up with the quads and feeling content.
“It’s pretty easy to have a good time when you get to go riding with awesome friends and family,” she said.
That being said, Dodd and her companions are always up for guiding new riders through the area and showing off their favourite place to ride.
“If you’re looking for a group to ride with, you could not meet nicer people,” she said. “Come on out and ride with us!”