“If you build it, they will come,” said Jana Spiker, referencing the quote by writer W.P. Kinsella made famous in the movie Field of Dreams.
Jana and her husband, Kelly, are the proud owners of Rocky Top ATV Park located approximately 50 kilometres north of Westlock, Alberta. The Spikers, along with their children Zachary, Brandon, Jacqueline and MJ, have lived in the Westlock area for 20 years and noticed there weren’t a lot of places to ride an ATV, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. “Kelly and our son Brandon would head out and ride around in the area, but found that the places to go were limited,” said Jana. “Kelly felt that there could and should be something more.”

An example of some of the amazing trails at Rocky Top ATV Park outside of Westlock, Alberta. — Jana Spiker photo
The lack of rideable terrain combined with a desire to get away from busy work schedules to spend more time out riding with their family eventually led the Spikers to open Rocky Top ATV Park on a parcel of land purchased from a family member years earlier.
“In June of 2011 we opened to the public with much anxiety and fear,” Jana said. “Later that summer we had a couple who had seen a sign that was homemade and posted on a fence. They wanted to just come and check it out. They came for a weekend with a group of friends and their children and I am extremely happy to say that all of those families are still with us to this day.”

Kevin Butler in front of the new Rocky Top ATV Park entrance sign. — Jana Spiker photo
Since ATVing was a family activity for the Spikers, they wanted to make families a priority at the park as well. “We felt that it was important to provide a safe and friendly atmosphere for young people and new riders to come and develop their skills,” said Jana. Last season a trail marshall position was introduced in the park allowing seasonal campers to volunteer some of their time and also ensuring the rules are being enforced. “Helmets are mandatory and there is a zero alcohol tolerance on the trails. Safety for everyone is a priority,” said Jana.

TGFW (Thank God for winches). — Jana Spiker photo
As the park grew in popularity, some dealerships in the area began making trips to do consumer demo rides at the park allowing attendees to test out the latest and greatest ATVs. “It has been well received and I can honestly say we have met some truly amazing people during these events,” said Jana.
The future looks bright for Rocky Top ATV Park and the Spikers are very thankful for all of the support. “We often take the opportunity to reflect on where we have come from and how we have changed over the years from raising a family, both working full-time jobs and making this business adventure come to life,” said Jana. “The roar of the motors during the day, the peace and tranquility of the crackling fires and the laughter among friends at night—this is why we do it. Life is good.”