Enthusiasm abounds

The 10th annual ATV/BC Jamboree was a huge success

by Peter Cunningham

People and there ATV's

The 2009 AGM and Jamboree brought together club members from all over B.C. and beyond, forging strong friendships along the way. ATV/BC members enjoyed rides over much of the awe-inspiring terrain of the Elk Valley area. — Photo by Peter Cunningham

Elkford hosted the 10th annual ATV/BC Jamboree on August 19 to 23, 2009. The event brought out ATV clubs from all over B.C. and beyond, including the Quad Squad from South Cariboo, the RidgeRiders from Prince George, the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad, the Sicamous Quadders and clubs from Arrow Lakes, Powell River, the West Kootenay and Revelstoke.

There were 118 registrants from 22 clubs. Many took a week to travel here, stopping to ride their ATVs along the way. Wayne Dreger of Campbell River rode more than 900 kilometres around the province before arriving. When our guests arrived there were pre-rides every day for a week before the jamboree itself.

Our guests for the VIP ride on Friday included several ATV/BC directors, Elkford’s mayor, Dean McKerracher, and reporters from the Fernie Free Press as well as RidersWest magazine (Kali Love and Joni Krats). The provincial AGM and wine and cheese was held on Friday evening.

All of our visitors were touched by Elkford’s welcoming character and ATV-friendly bylaw. Elkford is the only town in B.C. that issues permits and plates. Riders must keep their speed under 20 kilometres per hour, use designated trails only, and proceed directly to the nearest trailhead.

The District of Elkford issued 70 off-highway vehicle permits and licence plates over the week. The generosity of 42 sponsors amazed the Elkford club, with several donations of more than $500. Many thanks to the Elkford Chamber of Commerce and their members.

With perfect weather, incredible viewpoints and trails, many lasting friendships were forged. Cheryl Hird and her crew catered an outstanding meal on Saturday evening—many said it was “the best buffet ever!” Jamboree chairman Gordon Galloway received a standing ovation when he was introduced after dinner.

Gordon thanked the numerous volunteers from the Elkford club who came together to make this event a success. The proposed 2010 AGM will be held at Vernon, B.C., and may also include a jamboree.

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