I’ll take the high road

And you take the low road, and I’ll be in Elkford afore ye

by Tanya Laing

Photo of people pushing an ATV

Gord Vogell and his friends enjoy the views near Greenland Creek on a day that could have ended badly. — Photo by Gord Vogell

Gord Vogell has many destinations in mind for the upcoming summer of riding, and getting to the top of the world is just part of the journey. Vogell, who lives in Cranbrook, B.C., was once an avid mountain biker but found his knees couldn’t take the ups and downs anymore. However, he refused to let that small detail slow him down, and five years ago, he took to ATVing. Since then, he has explored as many high alpine trails as time will allow, seen areas of unsurpassed beauty, had a scare or two, and is now taking a keen interest in bringing others along for the ride.

Uncharted territory

Vogell said there is no such thing as the best trip out on an ATV; your favourite is always the most recent. But he remembers an outing in October 2008 to Greenland Creek in the Purcell Mountains near Kimberley—partly because the weather was agreeable and the scenery fantastic, but mostly because the day almost ended with one fewer rider coming down from the mountain pass than the four who had originally set out.

“One of the guys, Larry, had a heart attack on that trip,” said Vogell. “It was really strange, but now I know what to look for.” Vogell said Larry, an athletic man, was complaining about feeling old walking up a hill—something that Vogell said was out of character for him. His friend seemed pale and winded, but wanted to carry on with the rest of the group. The following week, when Larry was taken to the Foothills Hospital in Calgary and treated for a mild heart attack, the full realization of what had happened on that outing began to sink in with Vogell and his buddies. The attack was a good warning to Vogell about being prepared for all eventualities. “If Larry had fallen over up there, we probably would have just buried him,” laughed Vogell. “We would have put some sort of marker up so we could find him and towed his machine down.” All jokes aside, Vogell is aware of what the alternate ending to the day could have been. And yet, the day still stands out as one of the best outings in memory. “It was one of those trips where everything went right and we got to where we wanted to go,” said Vogell. “There was a spectacular view up there and all four of us want to go back. We’ve heard rumours that there’s a trail up there that goes back to Doctor Creek.”

The highland highlights

Most of Vogell’s journeys are done in the company of three or four other riders; he said too many riders can slow down the pack. But this summer, Vogell is planning an excursion that could turn out to be a comparative convoy of ATVs. Vogell is leading a five-day outing along the mountain trails near Cranbrook, Fort Steele and Canal Flats, B.C., that will feature a stop near Top of the World Provincial Park. The epic journey in August—which will include yours truly—will be attended by 10 riders who will enjoy a part of the world that remains largely undiscovered. “I get a kick out of going with people who haven’t been in those areas,” said Vogell. “I see things…that I would have driven by (without them).” The trip will be the prelude to the ATVBC AGM and Provincial Jamboree in Elkford; most of the riders taking part in Vogell’s guided tour of the Kootenay backcountry will be participating in one of the biggest ATV events in B.C. “It’s a hoot,” said Vogell. “The only problem with it is that it’s too short.”

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