Motorcycle Zone

Women in a line standing beside their motorcycles

Motorcycle Zone Ride, Sally, ride

2011 marks the fifth year that Motoress International is encouraging women motorcyclists to get out and be visible as a means of supporting other women riders.

by Tanya Laing Gahr

Spyder riders outside a windmill in Holland, Manitoba

Motorcycle Zone Get caught in the Spyder’s web

Twelve Spyders motoring through the streets of Winnipeg isn’t an average, run-of-the-mill sight. However, the likelihood of seeing such a convoy is increasing as Enns Brothers in Winnipeg organizes rides with Spyder owners.

by Glynis Fediuk
Motorcycle Zone Kootenay circle tour

This summer you and your bike will have a great time visiting places such as Cranbrook, Golden and Nelson, and you’ll discover other communities and attractions to be explored en route.

by Kali Love

Glenn Turple with two motorcycles

Motorcycle Zone A lifelong passion

Glenn Turple has been riding for more than 60 years, and in the process he helped to form Turple Brothers Motorcycles.

by Joni Krats