2011 marks the fifth year that Motoress International is encouraging women motorcyclists to get out and be visible as a means of supporting other women riders.
by Tanya Laing GahrMotorcycle Zone
Fuelled by ambition, dreams and a love of travel, Daryll Naidu and Angela Laarakkers are crossing continents.
by Glynis FediukIn his last story, Wayne Hamm details his journey through Atlantic Canada with his father-in-law riding shotgun.
by Wayne HammIn his fourth tale, Wayne Hamm decribes motorcycling through Ontario and Quebec.
by Wayne HammIn his third story for RidersWest, Wayne Hamm details his journey through Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
by Wayne HammA bike enthusiast shares some of his thoughts on motorcycle touring, and the way his experiences have changed him.
by Danielle CameronWayne Hamm shares the first story from his cross-Canada motorcycle trip—a summary of the many things he felt and experienced.
by Wayne HammIf you're on the road between Alberta and Nova Scotia from August 14 to September 19, keep your eyes peeled for Belt Drive Betty.
by Trevor CrawleyWayne Hamm has vowed to live every moment to the fullest on his upcoming cross-Canada sojourn.
by Wayne HammTwelve Spyders motoring through the streets of Winnipeg isn’t an average, run-of-the-mill sight. However, the likelihood of seeing such a convoy is increasing as Enns Brothers in Winnipeg organizes rides with Spyder owners.
by Glynis FediukOpen roads and enticing communities await in the north of this prairie province—get on your bike and tour this grand region.
by Glynis FediukThis summer you and your bike will have a great time visiting places such as Cranbrook, Golden and Nelson, and you’ll discover other communities and attractions to be explored en route.
by Kali LoveRobert Kolenc is an inspiration to any rider who dreams about seeing the world from the seat of a motorcycle.
by Danielle CameronRobert Kolenc is an avid motorcyclist who encourages riders to tour the north and expand their horizons.
by Danielle CameronGlenn Turple has been riding for more than 60 years, and in the process he helped to form Turple Brothers Motorcycles.
by Joni KratsInternational Female Ride Day fosters awareness of women in motorsports.
by Danielle Cameron